Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Little More From WeShoutOriginal!

Hiya everyone!
I wanted to start off with thanking everyone who has come on the blog so far. Your support so far has been awesome! We really appreciate it! Also, feel free to comment on our posts or send us an @ reply on Twitter. You can follow us on Twitter by clicking here!

We have a ton of stuff planned for you all. We're working non-stop on new quotes, designs, blog posts, & so much more! Just to name a few upcoming things-- we have some stuff planned for Valentine's day, some boy/girl opinion posts, and we know some of you are readers....so we have some books that are being turned into movie posts coming up, as well! And if you haven't noticed yet, we added some quotes to the "Quote" page of the site, which you can check out by clicking here!

Also, be sure to check out the WSO CafePress shop by clicking here! So far we only have 3 designs up, but there will be lots more soon!

Thanks for reading! Please leave comments!


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