Monday, January 31, 2011

Life's a Challenge

How many times did you feel like life couldn't get any worse? or that life was just trying to find some way to get on your nerves? I know I had days where I thought life wanted to challenge me, wanted to make me cry but in the end when I realized that I survived that day the problems didn't seem so bad. Maybe the longest and hardest road in life is the one that brings us content and happiness.

"It's the long path that changes our mind from doing what's right and what's easy" -Nadi

What was the hardest thing that happened in your life? Were you happy when you overcame it?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Saying the Right Things...

It's always difficult not to seem disappointed when someone says something you didn't exactly want to hear. You don't want them to know that they can so easily impact your feelings, and that they have the power to hurt you. However, sometimes what hurts more is that you wanted them to say the right thing, but instead, they say the wrong thing. So, what can you do? You just keep on wishing that they will say the right thing one day....and hopefully that 'one day' is sometime in the near future!

"Whenever you say the wrong thing, it only makes me wish that you had said the right thing..."
-Jackie Lemos

Btw, leave comments....we would love to hear what you guys think about our posts & the site! Thanks!


Monday, January 24, 2011

Don't Laugh at Me

Dont laugh at me

I suggest to watch this video before reading on...

I remember when I was in Elementary school when my music teacher played us this music video. This song "Don't Laugh at Me" has a purpose that anyone can relate to. I don't know how many times I've tried to make a friend or tried to be something I'm not. Sometimes the jokingly name calling or whispers can hurt someone badly. Everyone sees themselves differently and probably think they aren't pretty enough. Words are as rough as if pushing someone or hitting them.

In this video it sends out a message that no matter how different you are someone in reality you are the same. You and another person probably like the same things or dislike the same things. Probably have troubles in school or sports or siblings.

Have you ever made fun of someone? Would you like it if someone made of you? Maybe its time to just accept one another and be a friend to a random person.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

video games

have you ever played nintendo or playstation or xbox and said wow this game is really easy  because you beat it really fast...and  you say to yourself why couldnt life be like this...well theres an easy answer to that, if life was that simple then it really would be a video game all we could all move on to the next level without any problems...but we all have our lives and have to live em the way we choose otherwise we're just gonna lose and never move on...

Everyone's Perfect in their Own Way

How many times have you looked in the mirror and wished you looked like someone else? How many times have you put yourself down when you see someone "look better than you"? I know I've done it more than I count. I've looked at myself and never saw the beauty my family and friends saw. It was till this year that I'm trying to break free from the whisper in my head. I know it can be hard to do that and sometime the voice is stronger but if you find just one thing your good at or one thing that is beautiful in your features then I believe your day will be filled with happiness and you'll slowly find more things about yourself that you never thought about.

As cheesy as this sounds but I also believe artist who encourage that your beautiful no matter what helps me know that I am and that no one can change that. I was listening to Pink's new song F**kin' Perfect and I saw her music video and I think her message just hits the spot where society tries to make people less about themselves. I also think that Katy Perry's song Firework and music video gives that same message! I love artist who make a person feel good about themselves.

A bit of a warning Pink's Video has cutting. You have been warned!
F**kin' Perfect

and Katy Perry's Video!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Future is Undecided

I always tend to make a big deal about the future. I wasn't one of those lucky ones that knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up. I didn't want to be a doctor, or a teacher, or a lawyer, or anything like that. I sometimes wish I did know. I wish I knew how things were going to turn out for me.

The future is so uncertain, and it sort of sucks. In an instant, everything can change & your entire future can be impacted. So, try to take everything one day at a time & hope for the best. And if you're lucky, things will work out.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

True Friend...

"Someone that's always there with you to have fun but is ALWAYS there to be the first to have a problem...your best friend!"

- Louie

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Little More From WeShoutOriginal!

Hiya everyone!
I wanted to start off with thanking everyone who has come on the blog so far. Your support so far has been awesome! We really appreciate it! Also, feel free to comment on our posts or send us an @ reply on Twitter. You can follow us on Twitter by clicking here!

We have a ton of stuff planned for you all. We're working non-stop on new quotes, designs, blog posts, & so much more! Just to name a few upcoming things-- we have some stuff planned for Valentine's day, some boy/girl opinion posts, and we know some of you are we have some books that are being turned into movie posts coming up, as well! And if you haven't noticed yet, we added some quotes to the "Quote" page of the site, which you can check out by clicking here!

Also, be sure to check out the WSO CafePress shop by clicking here! So far we only have 3 designs up, but there will be lots more soon!

Thanks for reading! Please leave comments!


Monday, January 17, 2011

Words And Their Strong Meanings

When listening to music how many of us actually decipher the true meaning of it. Honestly listen to the lyrics and ignore the beat behind it. Sometimes I believe that’s what we have to do when listening to other people talk. Everyone has a meaning behind what they are saying.  Sometimes my answer to people is what I want people to think but in reality it’s not what I really meant.
Sometimes words spoken to people are very powerful. It can change people’s attitudes towards the way they view things. One person might say something to you that clicks and explains a lot in your life while another might totally make you feel grateful for what you have.
Hear a word, think about it and find its meaning. Listen to what people really want to say.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Living Life In The Fast Lane

 Life's like a good fast car, if you don't shift gears fast enough then your motors gonna blow....So don't live life in first gear because your scared of whats gonna happen or because of a fear, but rather switch gears and live life to the fullest of its gear and potential...So, strap in your seat belt, step on the gas, switch gears, and live life like being on the open road....And remember, be safe and smart while doing it....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Change is not a quick decision

Every time the new year comes around every one decides that it's time to change. The real question is how long will it take you to change. As a person its very hard to change an attitude or a habit. This new year I defiantly wanted to change for the better which is to gain more confidence. It's something I lack and some other people might lack as well. However it wasn't a decision the day before new years, no I have been working on this attitude for a while during 2010. With the help of my family and friends I learned that I shouldn't be afraid of who I am or what people think of me. 

"Change is a process, not a two second decision." Think about what would you like to change about yourselves and set up a process to follow so you will be able to reach your goal. Remember Change all around us took time to get to where it is now. 


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Welcome everyone to the opening of WeShoutOriginal! We're very excited for the opening this site, and we welcome you. Here at WeShoutOriginal! we post quotes we have come up with up, graphics (wallpapers, banners, icons), designs, and so much more. Everything here is totally ORIGINAL and we've decided to share it with everyone! Please make sure you read up on our Copyright Policy  and the bios of everyone that contributes to WeShoutOriginal! 

For now, here's the staff with a welcoming hello: 

JackieHiya everyone! Welcome to WeShoutOriginal! It was a long time in the making, but we're glad to be finally opening this site. A lot of hard work was put into this site-- so we really hope you love the quotes, graphics, designs, and everything else you will find on this site! So, take a look around & enjoy the site! Thanks!

Nadi: Hello and Welcome. I hope you guys like our site and enjoy the quotes we will be sharing. I can't wait to read your comments about the site and read any suggestions that you might have. Thank you for coming and enjoy your time. 

Louie: Whats up and how you doin'...Well welcome to our newest and most interesting site. Hope you have fun with the comments and quotes that are made and hope you make the site another success... Enjoy all there is on the site along with many other of our sites that we all have, follow us on facebook and twitter for more fun and exciting info, promos, and all the much more that we all have to offer. And always feel free to comment, leave opinions, and shop around the site for anything that may catch your eye... Well that's it for now, so enjoy and have fun, hope you enjoy the site as we did making it.

So, thanks for joining us on the site & we hope you enjoyed our intro post! We hope you stick around, and that you keep on checking back for all the latest. We will be adding lots more content soon! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for the latest as we post it! Thanks!