Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's All About The Decisions We Make

I'm always worried I'll make some kind of wrong decision. I mean I'm only human. I'm bound to make a mistake sometime. There are so many choices, and circumstances, and decisions...how can I choose? What if I choose wrong? I chose to write this post. I mean it's sort of random, but it was my decision to be random. I could have totally wrote some boring standard post about the weather (People think the weather is boring, right?)....but I decided to write this post, on this day, at this time. Wow, I'm so EPIC...I did all that without breaking a sweat. So, what is it with all the decisions us human beings have to make? And it's our decisions that make us who we are.

What should I watch on television?

Should I hang out with this person?

Which college or university should I go to?

Should I do my homework tonight or tomorrow?

Should I go to work or take off?

So, many questions. And there is no right answer. You have to decide what is right for you-- and for you only. That is what most important. Decisions, decisions, decisions...You have unlimited possibilities.

"The decisions we make in life are what is most important..."
-Jackie Lemos

So, I'm deciding to cut this post here. Thanks for deciding to read it! Leave comments, and let your thoughts be read! ;)

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