Monday, January 24, 2011

Don't Laugh at Me

Dont laugh at me

I suggest to watch this video before reading on...

I remember when I was in Elementary school when my music teacher played us this music video. This song "Don't Laugh at Me" has a purpose that anyone can relate to. I don't know how many times I've tried to make a friend or tried to be something I'm not. Sometimes the jokingly name calling or whispers can hurt someone badly. Everyone sees themselves differently and probably think they aren't pretty enough. Words are as rough as if pushing someone or hitting them.

In this video it sends out a message that no matter how different you are someone in reality you are the same. You and another person probably like the same things or dislike the same things. Probably have troubles in school or sports or siblings.

Have you ever made fun of someone? Would you like it if someone made of you? Maybe its time to just accept one another and be a friend to a random person.


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