Saturday, February 5, 2011

Everything I’m Not

I'm not a wall
I don't stand strong
I'm not a warrior
I don't fight till the end
I'm not a weapon
I don't kill for fun

I'm a women
With many flaws
And many features

All of which makes me
me. Human; imperfect human

-Nadi © August 2010

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Girl's Masquerade

This is a poem that I wrote a while ago....maybe 3 years ago. It's probably one of my favorite poems that I have ever written, and I hope you all enjoy it. I would appreciate any constructive feedback! Thanks!

A Girl's Masquerade

Welcome to the girl you believe you see.
The act that is being put on before your eyes.
But when you turn your back,
the show is gone.
Her laugh is an echo of who she could be
and her smile is really a frown.
Her eyes,
they shine and fool the world
so others cannot see her lies.
She wonders if anyone
will see beyond her mask,
and the daily performance
that has become her forced task.
But until that day
she will continue on
with her own illusion, with her masquerade.

(c) 2011 by Jackie Lemos

Thanks for reading everyone! Please leave comments on the post & on our chat box on the left-hand sidebar!


Monday, January 31, 2011

Life's a Challenge

How many times did you feel like life couldn't get any worse? or that life was just trying to find some way to get on your nerves? I know I had days where I thought life wanted to challenge me, wanted to make me cry but in the end when I realized that I survived that day the problems didn't seem so bad. Maybe the longest and hardest road in life is the one that brings us content and happiness.

"It's the long path that changes our mind from doing what's right and what's easy" -Nadi

What was the hardest thing that happened in your life? Were you happy when you overcame it?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Saying the Right Things...

It's always difficult not to seem disappointed when someone says something you didn't exactly want to hear. You don't want them to know that they can so easily impact your feelings, and that they have the power to hurt you. However, sometimes what hurts more is that you wanted them to say the right thing, but instead, they say the wrong thing. So, what can you do? You just keep on wishing that they will say the right thing one day....and hopefully that 'one day' is sometime in the near future!

"Whenever you say the wrong thing, it only makes me wish that you had said the right thing..."
-Jackie Lemos

Btw, leave comments....we would love to hear what you guys think about our posts & the site! Thanks!


Monday, January 24, 2011

Don't Laugh at Me

Dont laugh at me

I suggest to watch this video before reading on...

I remember when I was in Elementary school when my music teacher played us this music video. This song "Don't Laugh at Me" has a purpose that anyone can relate to. I don't know how many times I've tried to make a friend or tried to be something I'm not. Sometimes the jokingly name calling or whispers can hurt someone badly. Everyone sees themselves differently and probably think they aren't pretty enough. Words are as rough as if pushing someone or hitting them.

In this video it sends out a message that no matter how different you are someone in reality you are the same. You and another person probably like the same things or dislike the same things. Probably have troubles in school or sports or siblings.

Have you ever made fun of someone? Would you like it if someone made of you? Maybe its time to just accept one another and be a friend to a random person.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

video games

have you ever played nintendo or playstation or xbox and said wow this game is really easy  because you beat it really fast...and  you say to yourself why couldnt life be like this...well theres an easy answer to that, if life was that simple then it really would be a video game all we could all move on to the next level without any problems...but we all have our lives and have to live em the way we choose otherwise we're just gonna lose and never move on...